7 Pairs of Fun Socks Everyone Needs
There’s nothing that can spiff up a look quite like a pair of fun socks. The world of novelty socks is full of endless possibilities just waiting for you to unlock. We’ve put together a list of the seven pairs of socks everyone needs to jumpstart their wardrobe into awesomeness. So sit back, relax, kick back your feet and envision all the insanely beautiful socks you can put on them.
Coral Weddings: What Choosing Coral Accents Says About You
Coral always has been a favorite color, moving its way in and out of the spotlight for years but never straying too far. When Pantone announced that 2019 was the year of coral, it echoed the sentiments of millions of coral fans who love the bright, fresh, warm and elegant color. This is the perfect color to adorn your walls, wardrobe and wedding with as it brings all of the good feelings to the forefront upon entering the eyesight of its many adoring fans. Did you make the decision to add coral accents to your wedding day? Here's what that says about you.
The Ultimate Guide to Wedding Socks
Congratulations. You are here. You are about to take the next bold stride into what is about to be the rest of your life. You are about to begin a journey that is sure to be incredible and from all of us at boldSOCKS, we wholeheartedly salute you. From picking the people to settling on the sweetest touches that turn the occasion into a magical affair, there’s much to be considered when it comes to planning your wedding day.